What's coming up...

 I've been reflecting on the Produsage and PLN assignments. I just wrote about this in one of my previous blogs but I've been struggling to get it together ever since our move began. In considering how I will proceed with these assignments, I've thought about how critically important time management will be for me. We have a week long trip planned to see my husband's family starting next week. For me, this will be like starting my "refresh" period over as I never really thrive in these types of settings. Even spending so much time with so many people in my own family absolutely threw me for a loop over the weekend of the fourth. I struggle greatly with large amounts of social interaction and I have an especially slow rebound after these types of events. However, over the course of all that's been going on, I keep reminding myself how badly I want to succeed. 

I feel like every time I talk about what's going on in my world, I make it sound like it's the most intense thing I've ever been through. And, to be honest, it has taken a huge toll on me. That said, it's not that it's bad, it's just hard. And it's not the hardest thing I've ever done but.. I don't know... I guess everyone just handles things differently. 

Anyway, the phrase of the week for me this week is TIME MANAGEMENT. I have a few days before we take off that I should really take advantage of so that I'm not scrambling at the last minute to get anything done. I've considered topics/ideas for these assignments which, honestly, puts me way ahead of the game at this point in the semester. Anyway... I wish all of you guys the best on these assignments. If anyone would like to chat or bounce ideas off of someone, I'll be your gal. Feel free to reply here or send me a message in Canvas!


  1. Hi! I think we're in the same boat as far as time management is concerned. When you have so many other responsibilities, it's easy to let assignments creep up on you. Like you, I do have a good idea for my produsage assignment which I'm starting on Monday, unfortunately completing the PLN assignment requires a longitudinal effort that I neglected to start early enough. I suppose that means I'll end up doing the concept version which I really didn't want to do because I already did one concept version for an earlier assignment. I'm SO glad we were given a make-up assignment. Whew, this is going to be an intense couple of weeks, but we'll make it!


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