
As this semester has progressed, I've discovered a handful of new resources that full under the Web 2.0/Social Networking/Social Media umbrella. To be honest, I'm still trying to figure out the finer details/differences between these three terms.

Diigo is the newest to me. I clicked on our class Diigo link (https://groups.diigo.com/group/eme6414) and had absolutely no clue what I was looking at. I chose to read the assigned article Building a collaborative knowledge base in Diigo: How links, tags, and comments support learning.

After I read the article, I made my own account and joined our class group so that I could explore some of Diigo's features. It seems interesting enough, though I can't say it will be a tool that I use frequently going forward. This could depend on a number of things, but I imagine the top two things that would have me actively participating would be if I found a topic that I was especially interested in and a group that was especially active in terms of discussion among individuals. 

As I'm typing up this blog, I'm trying to think more critically and specifically about what I don't love about Diigo. I really think the problem is the focus on tagging. I'm still learning about this, but I know my use of tags in the past has always been pretty minimal. I rarely search through tags in order to find new content and any time I use tags, it's almost always for a more humorous effect. That said, if I really dug into Diigo and explored the tagging features, that may change my mind. I am eager to continue through this course so I can more fully understand and appreciate some of the tools found on the ole world wide web. 

So, anyway, those are my thoughts on Diigo. I'm a beginner so these are really only just first impressions. Leave me a comment if you have any insight or thoughts that you'd like to share! Thanks for reading my words :)


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