holy cow

 Happy Saturday, classmates! I have missed you!

Wow, my life went crazy last week. As I've mentioned a time or two, my family is preparing for a move to Germany. We are so, so excited, but the process to get there has been overwhelmingly stressful. Last week, we spent every day preparing our home to have our belongings packed and getting all of the necessary paperwork and appointments in order so that myself and my kid could join my husband when the time comes. Early this week, everything was loaded onto a truck and taken away. Whew. In some ways, having nothing in my house feels like a relief, but it's not easy chasing a toddler and two dogs around an empty house and trying to keep everyone occupied and happy. We will be kicking it on air mattresses and eating living room floor picnic dinners until the 29th. At this moment, I'm sitting in a Panera Bread so that I can utilize a table for the first time this week as I try to knock out some school stuff. 

But!!!! The positive in all of this is that the stress has slowly begun to dissolve. Don't get me wrong, there is still stuff to do and worry about, but nothing compares to the chaos of worrying hypotheticals and uncertainty. Do any of you guys do that? I often work myself up to near panic worrying about the "what-ifs". I know I'm not alone. It's something I actively try to work on but last week it was just impossible for me. Anyway, this is turning into a diary post so let me get to it. 

I am glad to be writing again today! I've got a good tune to share with you. In my first post, I shared Islands' song (We Like To) Do It with the Lights On. Last week, they released the album, in full, and I've been vibing to Marble. I can't get enough and I hope you enjoy it, too. Thanks for reading my words, everyone! I can't wait to read what you all have been up to!


  1. Oh yes, worrying about the what-ifs and hypotheticals are a daily, challenging occurrence! And worrying too much can really have a detrimental effect on current responsibilities and long-term goals. We know it doesn't help, but we do it anyway! My father used to share a silly little saying: :How do you eat an elephant? - one bite at a time! haha. I try to keep that in mind when school/life/everything gets to be too much.

    1. I love that! I completed my first two years of college at our local community college and there was a very nice classmate of mine who had a couple of decades of life ahead of me. He told me one time that "you can only slay one dragon at a time" and it has sat with me ever since. Seems like the same sentiment as eating an elephant one bite at a time. Thanks for sharing, Lauren!

  2. Love that I can listen and comment at the same time! I remember reading your post about moving to Germany and wondering what was worse, moving a dog and a toddler to Germany or getting a cracked tooth extracted that had not one but two roots. This is what I dealt with the week before and after Memorial Day.

    Listening to you now, though, reminds me that my mother did this the first 6 years of married life when my dad was in the Navy. She had my older sister in Texas, a year later me in Panama (while in an iron lung), a year later my brother in Jacksonville, a year later my next brother in Pensacola. When she got pregnant with the fifth, she moved home to Cleveland and let him finish his tour on his own.

    This too shall pass. Just give that toddler lots of hugs. They will be grown and gone before you know it.

    1. To be honest, I think those two events may be one in the same. Both suck!! Haha.

      I can tell your mother was/is a warrior. She made the smart move by letting him finish up on his own! It seems she must have gotten some good travel out of him. I kid that the only reason I'm sticking around with my husband is because I'm getting cute kids and a free 3 year, all expenses paid (mostly) trip to Germany out of him. Our son was born here in Georgia and the next one will be born in Germany and if all goes to plan, these will be the only two. I know some love it, but being pregnant is for the birds! I'm all set after this!

      Thanks for your kind words!

  3. Excited to see your post. Wanted to check in to hear some music! Glad I did because I have this same issue. We are also in a bit of a temporary position from a couple different perspectives. Trying to juggle too much, dealing with some neighborhood issues, etc. We took the weekend and went to a hotel and I timed it with my digital detox. It was great for my family. Positive thoughts for you that the rest goes super smooth!

    1. Thank you so much! I am genuinely so thrilled that some of you seem to be enjoying the music :)

      I am eager for a digital detox. We've got some fun things planned in the coming months that should allow for just that. I'm so glad you had a good weekend!

    2. Wow so much is going on here. Hang in there! Life is never going to be perfect and we aren't perfect either. From what I read, you are doing very well already. Let's not forget to take the time to celebrate how far you have come in this journey.

    3. Hi, Sharon. Thank you so much for your words of comfort/encouragement! It can be difficult, sometimes, to see the positives in some situations. I try to write 5 things I'm grateful for each morning and it has helped manage feelings of stress/anxiety. Thanks for the reminder to reflect on how far I've come :)


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