Google Earth

 Before this week, I never thought of Google Maps as a learning tool in any other way than learning how to get somewhere. Exploring Google Earth Education has opened my eyes to new ways of teaching or obtaining teaching materials. I imagine this type of tool is particularly useful in traditional classrooms... like, grade school type of stuff. However, I could totally see this as a tool that could be useful in a more corporate/professional training environment. I definitely think the uniqueness of some of the features of Google Earth would pique the interest of learners at any age or level. It could certainly be a great attention grabber or useful for game content. I'm just kind of spitballing, here, but I'm sure many of you can kind of see the way my brain is working. (hopefully). 

Anyway, like I've said probably a hundred times, now. The introduction of so many tools in this class has permanently changed how I view the instructional design process. My internship will start soon and I am so pumped to use some of these resources and lots of this knowledge in a real-world setting. 

I'm attaching a link to the "Voyager Stories" page for Munich. I found it fascinating to get a glimpse into a place that I will likely be visiting many times over the next few years (please, pinch me. I must be imagining this move!!)
Here it is:,0,0a,22251752.77375655d,35y,0h,0t,0r/data=CjASLhIgY2I4YjExMWM0Mjc3MTFlOGJmNTg3M2ExZGEyMzQ5MjkiCmdjc19pdGluXzA?hl=en


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