Wrappin' it up

Well, folks. I suppose this concludes another great week this semester. I'm feeling incredibly connected to everyone and super motivated right now! My first post was about my use of a more professional voice on twitter and other social media sites. Right now, I want to add how awesome the networking is. Almost all of my time in the ISLT program has been spent feeling pretty independent. I am choosing that word over isolated because I've never really felt alone, just kind of like I've been fending for myself and figuring it out as I go. For the first time, I'm connecting with classmates in more personal spaces on the internet and I already feel closer to you. The magic of social media can be very cool. It makes you wonder, what makes twitter more personal than Canvas? Obviously the tone is different, right? Like, on Canvas we put our best foot forward, we speak professionally, and we want to come off like we've got it all together. I do, anyway, because I suffer from crazy levels of imposter syndrome and I feel like I have something to prove. However, on twitter and in this blog, I feel more like myself. I hope this isn't too ramble-y!! I just really appreciate these spaces for this course!

Anyway, I want to leave you with another tune. This one should get ya feelin' groovy. I present - Dancing on the Ceiling by Lionel Richie. You're welcome.


  1. I absolutely loved this post. I feel like I can be so much more... myself (?) on the blog versus Canvas? I certainly reverted to my conversational tone on Canvas in the past when appropriate, but it always felt not quite right. I feel like I already know the members of this class so much better, as people, not just students in the same course. I can't wait to keep up with your blog, and I can't leave without saying that Almost Famous was the absolute formative movie of my youth and I squealed when I saw your LB quote. Happy Summer!

    1. Thank you! Yes, Almost Famous was life-changing for me. I nearly dropped everything and ran to Rolling Stone's door begging for a job (but I didn't and here I am). It did change me, though, and the LB quote will stick with me for eternity.

  2. Hi Caitlin! Thanks for your tunes! I think it is interesting to think about setting up a community for online classes. I wonder if the importance is downplayed. I am teaching in a program that is fully in person but will soon have an online cohort. Definitely need to share the word about community building!
    I hope you had a good monday - here is a tune back but I don't know how to embed in a response - help? Thanks


    1. I was just talking to my son about the Mama's and the Pappas. He was listening to Simon and Garfunkel and I immediately began signing all the lyrics. He was amazed that I still knew them and astounded when I told him that the nun in my media class in high school allowed me to analyze Simon & Garfunkel - Kodachrome in an essay. I don't know how to embed either . . . https://youtu.be/RGK19Pg6sB0
      PS: It just dawned on me that I was taking a media class at an all girls high school in 1970!

  3. Caitlin! I can SO relate. In fact, I just commented on your twitter post about this as well. ;)

    Being my first semester, I don't have much to compare this with, but I feel extremely welcomed into the program and I think it has everything to do with being able to connect with classmates in a less professional tone on the various social media sites. Coming from an extremely casual atmosphere in the dance/circus world, I was a little nervous about being at a desk all day and not really knowing where the line is on social relationships in the workplace. I feel like watching other people interact on twitter inside the education/online learning community gives me a way better understanding of how professional colleagues can still be playful and personal and fun while sharing about work and research!

    I am really excited to continue to dive into these social networks beyond this class and am hopeful to maintain what we create this semester. :)

  4. Hey Caitlin! I do agree with you that this semester (this class in particular) has gotten us more connected to our classmates than usual. It's great! I like that we can get more comfortable with one another and open up more than we can in a Canvas chat. These blogs and our social media accounts allow us to be a little more relaxed and more of who we are personally and not so much professionally.

    Also, I didn't even need to watch the music video for me to "hear" the tune in my head. LOL. And now I have an earworm stuck in my head (see sponge bob video):


  5. Hi Caitlin! You're not alone in that feeling of imposter syndrome, I think it's far more common than we suspect, especially when surrounded by amazing people who do amazing work! While it is hard sometimes, like you I am taking advantage of all the tools this class is offering and it is indeed opening up new doors to both the technology and an enhanced feeling of comradery with everyone in the class. Thank you also for the videos you post, I'm a big music fan and I always enjoy them!


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