
 I'm going to quickly chat about this platform here and then follow up with a post on Instagram and Facebook all at once. 

Twitter started out as one of my most, for lack of a better word, immature spaces. I created my first twitter account when I was in probably 11th grade and originally hated it. I had (and probably still have) a little bit of a tendency to try to push against whatever is "mainstream cool" at any given time. So, I can recall making jokes about how dumb posting snippits of thoughts was. But then, I joined. And it grew into a really silly spot for me to post my random musings and complain about things, and so on.

After a year or two on the site, I began to use it to follow musicians. I quickly realized that I could find out about album releases or new singles by having direct access to the musicians I enjoyed most. How cool was that, guys, for real!? We suddenly got closer than ever to celebrities. I've always been struck by that. But anyway, now that I've taken this course, I know that Twitter helped develop one of my first PLNs, which was the music industry. I learned so much about musicians, I began following music journalists, music publications. I learned about Alternative Press, one of my favorite music magazines because of Twitter. 

All that said, this class is directly responsible for my understanding of how Twitter has been more than just a "social networking" tool. It gave me the opportunity to dig into myself and my interests and provided me with information that has, over the years, molded my personality into what it is today.


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