
 I don't know if these necessarily count as Web 2.0 tools, but I did some reading online this week about tools that are great for instructional designers to have in their arsenal. I'll attach the link (here) so you can check it out. 

I have never actually worked as an instructional designer. My internship will take place in this upcoming fall semester and I am absolutely giddy with excitement. I've been trying my best to have a lot of resources collected so that, should I need anything, I know where to look. These tools are more on the "design" side of instructional design. Or maybe I'd specify it as the "visual design" side? This stuff should help you create products, I guess is what I'm trying to say. Again, I don't have any first hand experience in the field at this point, so maybe this article is useless? If anyone does have experience and would like to confirm or deny the usefulness, please do! Also, I am more than eager and willing to chat about some of you guys' experiences in the workplace. I am a sponge for knowledge and advice, so hit me up.

At any rate, I hope the website is useful to you guys!


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