happy sunday

 Good morning, everyone!

I hope every has had a killer week! We have easily blown through 18 hours in the car this week and I tell ya, I am over it! We head back home on Friday and I will be done traveling for a hot minute. I'm tired, guys! I think we all probably are at this point. But, anyhow. As per the usual, I'd like to leave you with a song, first. I will be back twice more today to finish up my blog posts in between other assignments and visiting with family. 

Today, I'd like to share Inside Out by Spoons. I absolutely love this one. Spoons has so much quality music. I hope you enjoy!


  1. Hi Caitlin,
    We just got back from vacation yesterday night. It was a 10 day trip with 2 days of traveling there and back. Vacation fatigue is real without a doubt! I actually started to look up on the way back of how to deal with it. In addition to getting back on schedule I am in desperate need of a food detox. We ate so much gross stuff on vacation that my body is now protesting. Here's the article I read:

  2. What an interesting music video! Thank you for sharing!!


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