Goodnight Friends!

I hope everyone has had a productive Sunday! I'm going to sign off by mentioning a new device that I have had the great privilege of trying out recently. I'm not sure if any of you have heard of it, but I recently purchased a ReMarkable 2 tablet. I am obsessed! Normally, I would never buy something like this but I had an opportunity and I took it. My husband has not stopped giving me grief over buying something as frivolous as a note-taking tablet but you guys... hear me out. This thing has every feature an instructional designer could possibly need. I have templates designed for storyboards, I have lined sheets, to-do lists, calendar templates, the list goes on. I don't want this to sound like an advertisement but it lives up to all of the hype if you do some digging. I bought it half expecting to return it within the 30 day trial period. I'm working on finishing up my second week and I'm really pleased, so maybe I'll keep it after all. I am an avid pen to paper note taker so this has just simplified everything for me so that all I need at any given moment is the tablet and my computer and I can knock out any task. I wish I had more of an opportunity to use it for instructional design purposes outside of the classroom before the semester ends but unfortunately, I won't. At any rate, I have pretty high expectations for using it in the future and I felt deeply compelled to share it with you all. I'm sorry that this was ramble-y, but I do genuinely feel that this is a quality tool for the instructional designer's arsenal. 

Before I sign off for good this evening, I wanted to share the most precious photo of my kid playing with his cousin. Like I said in my first blog for this week, we are in town visiting my husband's family and my nephew is about a year older than my Max. They have clicked in a way that I never expected and watching them play makes my lil mom heart just expand 3 times its size.

My bean is the little curly headed porkchop that you just wanna squeeze. We took a hike today and got to see some very cool waterfalls.

Anyhow. Goodnight, friends! I hope you all have a good, productive, and happy week.


  1. Love the picture of the curly-headed porkchop!
    Complete with the sound and feel of paper. Love the eye-friendly reading.
    This is going to be my next toy!
    Can I use it for my ToDo and grocery list? About the only paper I use these days . . .
    Also want this guy’s office . . .


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