
 So long, week 8! 

This summer semester is flying by. I expected it to but it's really blowing me away that it's been two months. I think it must feel extra crazy because of all the life things I've been dealing with. But I can remember summer semesters in undergrad flying by, as well. I can't get over how much I truly love this program. Every week I come out of it feeling so refreshed and eager to keep moving. I hope you all are feeling the same way. 

I have been having the best weekend with my family and I hope your fourth was good, too! My siblings and I helped my mom get my dad a smoker for Father's Day this year and my dad smoked some pork and chicken for us. I know I've mentioned it a million times but my family moving to Germany has helped us place so much emphasis on seeing family. This weekend, I was able to see all of my aunts and uncles on my mom's side, and one of my uncles on my dad's side. I also got to see about a million of my cousins and all of my nieces and nephews. I am feeling so, so pleased right now. In just about every aspect of my life, at the moment, I am feeling so pleased. 

Wishing all the best to you and yours!!!


  1. So jealous. The only time my family (5 brothers, 2 sisters) get together is for funerals. My father’s was the last time, my mother's is coming up. Sad. And they are the last children of the original John Gornik family from the former Yugoslavia. I too have millions of cousins, nieces, nephews, etc. as my father's family had lots of children (good Catholic families). And, we always have music, which I know you can identify with. Hold on to family, face time, WhatsApp, zoom, don’t let go. At the end of the day, family is what’s most important. That, and your health.

    And safe travels to Germany!!

    1. Ah, I am sorry to hear about your parents. I do cling, tightly, to the bonds I have with my family. I've always felt so fortunate to have strong relationships with everyone. Thanks for your kind words, as always.


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