Boy, howdy.

I truly cannot believe this, but it has been one full month since the movers came to my house to start packing up my things. One month! I have not yet caught my breath and I feel like I'm floundering around trying to get through this semester. Now that we are out of the house, our schedules are full of meetings and reunions with family and friends. I have never had such a difficult time prioritizing school. 

As I've mentioned, I am staying at my parents house until I leave for Germany, and I was just talking with my dad about my studies. Despite all of the challenges, I still have not felt one shred of doubt that I should be here, in this program. I am loving every moment of it! Granted, the moments have been a little lower on my list of priorities, but they are there and I love them. I so look forward to my future in this field. I truly cannot wait.

I'm sorry, everyone, for the inconsistent timing of my posts lately. I'm doing my best and I hope you can understand! Today I'd like to leave you with a whole album, though I'll attach a video of just one song. 

I have listened to Chet Faker for quite sometime now. His real name is Nick Murphy and he released an instrumental album called "Music for Silence" that is so good. First of all, I love the name of the album, because when you listen to it you'll understand how there could possibly be such a thing as music for silence. Secondly, it's so lovely. So incredibly lovely. I hope you guys enjoy this little taste and dig a little deeper if your heart desires.



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