Another post for the fourth!

 Hello, classmates! 

I hope your fourth went/is going well. I'm a little late posting my last two posts so I apologize for that. I wanted to frame this post after Vanessa's post to our class blog. That said, I want to share my guesses for how many friends I have on Facebook and how many followers I have on Instagram. 

Like many, I became a little uninterested in social media around the time the pandemic started. I was once pretty active on Twitter and Snapchat but those days are over for me. Now, I'm off and on on Facebook and Instagram so I've not paid very much attention to my follower counts. Facebook is certainly a more casual environment for me - I use it primarily for my family, close friends, and family friends. Because I've been on Facebook since 2009, I'm going to guess I have a somewhat high number of friends. I have gone through a few times over the years to clear out my friends list so, to some, it may not be too high. At any rate, I'm going to put it at around 800 or so people.

For Instagram, I'm guessing around 500. My Instagram account has always been pretty lowkey. I don't really spend too much time on there and I'm not very active. I love to lurk on Instagram but I'm not a regular poster. I know I have somewhere around 500-600 Instagram posts but that's from close to a decade of use (holy cow.... lol).

The real counts:

Facebook: 737 Friends

Instagram: 555 Followers


Alright, so for Facebook I was off by a touch. I imagine this is due to unfriendings, deleted accounts, etc. 

And for Instagram, I was pretty much on target. This isn't surprising as I think Instagram makes noticing one's follower count so much easier. It feels like I have to go look for my Facebook friends but on Instagram, that information is right on the profile page. 

Social media is a weird thing. I have struggled a lot with my relationship with social media for the last few years. It was interesting to even pay any mind to my followers/friends. I can see the benefit and the purpose, but overall, I have found that a lot of my associations with social media are more negative than positive. Because of that, I've learned to take a break as needed.


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