Wrapping it up! ...and more exciting news!

 Well, friends. The end of the week is here and I'm just now getting around to my farewell post for the week. I'd like to start by sharing 2 bits of personal news with you!

    1) If anyone was wondering, my husband's powerlifting meet went incredibly well yesterday! We roadtripped back home this morning and I'm eager for some shuteye. My husband got second place in his weight class!! He's pretty pumped. He was shooting to break a state record...and he did! But then another lifter got it from him only a few minutes later. Honestly, that's what is so fun about competition. I loved nothing more than watching my guy shake the hand of his competitor. I am so proud, truly. Also, the trip up north was so, so good for my soul. We had pretty bad service out there and I'm glad for it! Detox, right!?

    2) Last week we found out we are having a baby girl!!! I am so beyond pumped. I promise... I would have been so pleased if it was a boy but something in my soul wanted a girl. Also bonus points because now I have one of each and can confidently make the call to have no more kids. Don't get me wrong, I love them and am so happy, but pregnancy is for the birds! I honor my body and what she can do but I'd like to not do it again, haha!

I've enjoyed the material from this week. It's been a minute since I could really dive into the materials for either of my classes and having some time to do so has been a pleasure. I woke up one morning this week thinking about how I truly want this degree. I love everything about the program so far and I don't see that changing as I move forward.


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