The Tools

 Hello, classmates! I've spent the last little while checking out Piazza and Padlet and I have thoughts! 

To preface, my time spent on Piazza is pretty limited so my thoughts are more like first impressions and initial takeaways. On a more casual note, and I mentioned this in a comment on Piazza, it reminds me so much of the forums my dad used to (and likely still does) look at in his free time. He loves listening to music and he especially loves listening to music as clearly as possible. I've learned so much from him and I think he must have learned most of what he knows through these forums. He and I have sat down and plugged in and unplugged two different sets of speakers and listened to music to figure out which ones give the most crisp, crystal clear sound. I think his experiences, and the experiences he has shared with me, highlight how truly beneficial a tool like this can be! He has been able to lurk, if not actively participate, on these forums and has benefited greatly from doing so. His true hobby has been enhanced by using a space similar to Piazza and I have to wonder how I can benefit from a tool like this... or better, how my learners can benefit from a tool like this. 

Another great tool from this week is Padlet. I am mildly familiar with Padlet from experiences in other courses. Up until last semester, I had no idea Padlet existed. However, I had a group project that my team felt would be enhanced by the inclusion of Padlet. I have to say, I loved having it! It gave our learners an opportunity to consider the prompt and to consider the perspectives/ideas of other learners, as well! I do think that Padlet has a more inviting interface. Right now, I think a huge focus of an online presence is "aesthetic".  Piazza does not have the aesthetic that (*most*) young learners are looking for. Even as someone who was familiar with and used websites that looked like Piazza over the course of my digital life (did I just invent a new phrase?), I can tell you with certainty that I'd rather use Padlet. I know they're kind of different but not really different. I don't know.. maybe I'm kind of off base with that statement. What do you guys think? 

Anyway, I just wanted to share some of my thoughts/reactions with you about these tools. I've enjoyed the opportunity to familiarize myself with them and I hope you did, too.

Thanks for reading! Chat later!!


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