Get the heck out of here...


EME 6414 you might be changing me!!

I'm cringing to admit this, but I am a terrible, habitual procrastinator. It is so bad and my greatest downfall. I wait until I can't wait any longer and put myself through a grueling 24-48 hour period where I'm getting a week's worth of work done. I'm not going to make an excuse for myself but I will say that it has paid off many times and that's why I haven't learned my lesson. My dad is also a procrastinator and I inherited this gene from him (nature vs. nurture?). We've spoken about our bad habit many times - both agreeing that if we weren't able to get the work done successfully, we wouldn't procrastinate. But we have a knack for it! It's worked every time! What lesson is there to learn? These are the things we say to each other to justify our poor decision making. I love that man to death and will likely spend the rest of his life, and mine, loving that we are the same, even in procrastination.

But here's the real downfall. It's stressful! In plain terms, it sucks doing a lot of work in a short amount of time. The fact that it's possible doesn't justify putting myself through that kind of stress! Even beyond the period of time where I'm getting work done, I spend the week prior thinking and stressing about what needs to be done instead of just doing it. 

That said, today is a day of change for me. Will it stick? To be determined. However, I honestly feel like an absolute boss for posting tonight and I'm laughing at myself for not being better than I am. Anyway, this type of productive high might push me through the rest of the week and, who knows, maybe I'll have Sunday off. Cross your fingers for me! 

Anyway... as per the routine, I'd like to share another song with you. I've thought a lot about what I'd share and I've decided I'd go with this super rad Skrillex remix of Hundred Waters' "Show me Love". The original is incredible on its own but this remix... wowza. I do strongly encourage that you listen to the original, though. Try to find a video with or locate the lyrics online. It's almost like a prayer and it gives me chills, really. I hope you enjoy!

Editing to add a warning for some explicit language!


  1. Wow, this such a relatable post! I really try my best to not procrastinate and remain true to the time management schedule I lay out for myself every week, nut I must admit, the assignments that I'm not excited about often do get pushed to the last minute. When I was young a teacher said to me, "If you fail to prepare, you should prepare to fail" lol. That sticks with me even today!

    One tip I've found helpful is to write out what you intend to accomplish that week and divide the tasks by the number of days you have to complete them. To me, seeing the tasks in black and white makes them less daunting. One last I would add (and its something that I've learned the hard way) is to make sure you exercise self-care by giving yourself at least one day per week to relax and not think about class or work. I've burned myself out a couple of times by going 7 days a week for weeks or months on end. Thank you for your post!

    1. Hi, Lauren! I really appreciate your response and the tips you offered. I especially needed the piece about allowing one day a week where I don't even think about school/work. That is one that I need to work on as, even though I have this bad habit of procrastinating, I think and stress about what needs to be done every day. Thank you so much, again. It is always comforting to know that I'm not totally alone. We are only human!

    2. Can definitely relate to your post, and Lauren's about waiting to complete the least interesting assignments last. However, I find myself also waiting to complete the most daunting assignments last therefore leaving myself to a last minute cram with a huge assignment. Something that has helped with this is breaking large assignments down into smaller parts, and then giving myself a deadline on each smaller part. Keep on truckin', you got this!


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