4 weeks already??

I'm having a hard time believing that this concludes the fourth week of this semester. I don't know if anyone else can agree but it feels like my time in this program is FLYING by. It will be one full year at the end of this semester, for me, and only two semesters left. Maybe it's because my life outside of school has been so wildly out of my control since January, but I truly can't get over how quickly time is passing. It's not necessarily a bad thing, but I am so nervous to begin working in the field. Unlike so many of my peers, I have no formal experience in instructional design outside of the classes I've taken at FSU. I have wanted to be an instructional designer since my sophomore year of college, around 2014/2015. I am so appreciative of the courses I've taken so far as I feel they are truly preparing me. I have learned so much.

One of the more significant things that I've learned is that I still have so much to learn. I feel like this is the type of field where I must stay in tune with changes in society, technology, communication trends, etc. in order to truly be successful. I spent a lot of time exploring Diigo and LinkedIn this week. I've never used Diigo and have had an account with LinkedIn for several years but never really knew how to take advantage. I'm appreciative of this class, specifically, for pushing me into these online environments so that I can learn and make important connections (both mentally and personally). I can honestly say that I've enjoyed exploring the tools we've been provided. Even though my last blog post was about how I'm not sure I'll use Diigo going forward, I can totally imagine a day in my future where someone mentions it and I'm like "yes! I know what Diigo is!" and that is 100% to this course's credit.

This week is closing on a really high note for me. I'm feeling informed and eager to keep pushing forward. I hope you guys are feeling some of that, too.


  1. I, too, still have so much to learn! And I think we're doing great with it, so far! :)

  2. Caitlin, thank you so much for this blog. Although we are nearing the end of week 5, I too am amazed about how much I don’t know and have yet to learn. I took some ISLT classes over 7 years ago and my goodness, it has progressed. I sometimes feel like I hadn’t even taken those classes (not really). Instructional Designers have to be lifelong learners just to keep up with trends and new research but think about what you will be doing – developing courses or training. I have learned so much about a lot of professions just through building curriculum. I’ve learned how to play dumb, listen more than talk, constantly ask questions, and amaze my SMEs/shareholders when we deliver the final product. You’ll get a lot of “I don’t know how you do this, but this is great!” I'm thrilled to be among such passionate professionals sharpening my sword!


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