What is up?!

Hello, Classmates! I am very excited to begin this blogging journey with all of you. I've been thinking about how to make this a space that is unique and representative of who I am. I'd like to share a piece of myself with each of you! So, I've decided that (ideally) once a week, I will share a tune that has spoken to me or that is on my mind. I think this holds true for many people - that music is an intrinsic piece of who we are. So, by sharing what I'm listening to with you, I hope to grow closer to you. 

To offer an explanation for the title and quote associated with my blog, Lester Bangs was a music journalist known for his work for Creem and Rolling Stone magazines. He was a master of influence in the world of 70s rock. My favorite quote of all time is the one that inspired my blog. I'm not the coolest gal around (not to say that any of you are uncool) but I'm excited to share some things with you over the course of this semester - a little ~*true currency*~

So, what is the first tune to share?! Perhaps a new single from one of my favorites, Islands. I hope you enjoy! If not, that's okay!! I'd love to hear what you've been bumping lately.


  1. Hi Caitlin, I like the vibe and interested in checking out your weekly tunes!

    1. Thank you so much! I'm pumped to have you tag along :)

  2. Hi Caitlin - I love the idea for this blog! I definitely am more on the "uncool" side of things, although my teens certainly try to help me. I am really looking forward to being exposed to music I probably would have never heard of. I always have music on and it has a definite impact on my mood. Lately I have had Good as Hell by Lizzo on repeat.. gotta pump myself up!


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