I'm wrapping up another Sunday night and reflecting on my week. One thing I love about being a student and human being, in general, is that I always feel I have room for growth and improvement and change. This week has been much more successful than the first two but I know I can do more! I'm looking forward to the start of a new week and hope that you all are, as well. I've got one more assignment to finish up for another class after this and then it is off to bed for this gal.

I'm going to take advantage of the long weekend and I'm excited to try to get these Instagram challenge badges. If you were to ask me if I was a competitive person, I'd quickly reply that no, I am not. But I've got to tell y'all, I think the badges are doing something to me!! A few minutes ago, I reviewed the challenges to see if I actually wanted to try for both, or not, and something about adding the word "superstar" to the badge has me feeling some type of way!! I suppose we will see if I follow through. I'll let ya know if I get the superstar badge but don't hold your breath!!!

I'm going to leave you with one more song this week. This one is so bluesy and soulful and raw. I advise to listen to it kind of loud, maybe with headphones or in your car. I often shuffle my apple music library and every time it comes on, I turn it up and pretend I'm in a music video. (Just kidding, I don't really!) Anyway, here is After the Storm by Shovels & Rope.


Apple Music:

Ps. One of my most fervent desires is to make sure that musicians are getting the credit they deserve for the work that they do. I will always try to share links directly related to the artist. After a quick search, it didn't look like Shovels & Rope shared a video of this song to their Youtube channel. As you can see, I've attached links to both Spotify and Apple Music from the artists' channel. If you don't use either of these streaming services and would like to listen, look them up on your platform of choice! If all else fails, you put forth a good effort and can sleep knowing you tried. The song *can* be found on Youtube, just not by the artists, directly.


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